Steph Kehoe

Tutor, Theatre – VCA

Pedagogical Translation: The application of and recreation of the Lecoq pedagogy in vocational schools and universities

My research is focused on the processes and practices through which devised collaborative theatre is ‘provoked’ by the pedagogy of Jacques Lecoq. My research is in two parts:  What are the pedagogical processes and practices employed during the two-year training course at the Lecoq school in Paris? How have these processes and practices been applied, adapted and modified by other schools and training models?  Given that Lecoq’s pedagogy was developed to be taught within the very particular cultural and pedagogical framework of the two year ‘professional’ training course at his school in Paris, .how then, teaching outside of this framework of the Paris school,  can the integrity, intent and impact of this work be upheld?    How can the constraints of time, class size, contact hours, assessment act as provocations to the development of new models of imparting its value to students?  How can the essence of the pedagogy be translated into a new language of teaching and learning of devising?

Key terms: Lecoq; pedagogy; translation theory; mindfulness; curiosity.

Researcher Bio

Steph has worked as a teacher, director and performer in Australia, and throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia. Steph trained at the Ecole International de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq and completed her teacher training in the Lecoq pedagogy at the London International School of Performing Arts where she then taught for several years. She also taught mask, mime and movement at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA), Rose Bruford College and Brunel University as well as for companies and festivals throughout the UK and Europe. Steph was a founder and co-director of Les Mondes Contraires (2000- 2010 and the  Artistic Director of the Women’s Circus, Melbourne (2012-2016). Steph has also worked with Zen Zen Zo, Born in a Taxi, Circus Oz, ArtPlay, Union House Theatre, Rawcus, Debase, Tantrum, St Martin’s Youth Arts, the University of Sunshine Coast, John Bolton Theatre School. Steph currently teaches Mask, Movement and Theatre Making at the Victorian College of the Arts.

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